Tuesday, September 16, 2008

good vs great

I have decided that I should start comparing two similar things and then choose which one is good and which one is great. I don't plan on using a specific method to choose these items, I will just choose whatever strikes my fancy. Please share your opinions and let me know if there is anything you think I should compare!
For this first installment, I have decided to look at Starbucks vs. Caribou. Now I realize this may ruffle some feathers, as I know most people prefer one to the other. So, here goes. I'm definitely a coffee girl, so I don't really order the "froo froo" drinks unless i'm in some strange mood. I pretty much stick to espresso-based drinks and the occasional black coffee. Lets start with espresso. Starbucks takes the cake, hands down. The espresso is rich and roasted to perfection. Not once have I had a drink made from espresso that has tasted even remotely burnt, or stale. That is all I have ever tasted from Caribou. I think they over roast their beans in general, so every drink made from espresso tastes like you're sipping liquified ashes from last night's campfire. Now, that being said, when I'm in the mood for black coffee, I head straight to Caribou for their Cold Press, which is their version of iced coffee. Surprisingly, this is a hundred times better than an iced coffee from Starbucks. It is more highly caffeineated because it is double brewed. It really does the trick to perk me up when I'm dragging at work, or when I just want a cold, essentially calorie free treat. It doesn't require any sweetening...the wonderful sweetness of the coffee beans is more than enough to satiate my taste buds :)
This brings me to comparison number 3. As I mentioned before, occasionally the mood strikes me and I venture out for a "froo froo" drink. Again, I head to Starbucks without giving Caribou another thought. I pretty much stick to the Mocha Light Frappucino or a few of their seasonal drinks (Blended Lemonade, Pumpkin Spice Latte, etc).
It should now be fairly obvious where my loyalties lie, but in case you haven't figured it out, my ruling is this: Caribou is good, Starbucks is GREAT!
A few more reasons to love Starbucks...
Low Fat Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake
Free weekly ITunes download
Great coffee mugs for sale, especially around the holidays
The best chocolate covered espresso beans EVER (dark chocolate covered of course)

Please join me in my salute to Starbucks' greatness...


J-mizzle said...

I think you're very cute... I like Caribou's coffee better too.

You didn't write about Starbucks' summer lemonade freezy drink thing, babe! That stuff is the shiznit.

J-mizzle said...

Sorry - didn't see the lemonade thing till later. You DO care about it!

Jessica said...

Fun idea Lauren. I actually like places like the Dunn who roast their own beans, or other neighborhood places that aren't on the "corporate" map. Cant wait to see some more comparisons.