Tuesday, November 4, 2008

voting day

I consider it an honor, a privilege, as well as my duty to vote today. Not every country allows its citizens to have any say in who is placed in government, and while it seems sometimes that all we are doing is choosing the lesser evil, at least we are given a voice. It's a good feeling to be a part of something that impacts our country so deeply, but I fear, this year more than any other election year that our country could be in some real trouble depending on how the election turns out. All I can do is cast my ballot and then pray. And believe me, I have been, and will continue to pray for whomever is given the seemingly impossible charge of running our incredibly imperfect country. Whoever is elected will be faced with decisions that I can't even imagine being faced with. There are so many major issues facing our nation right now, and I am hopeful that some good will come from this election, and that our country will move forward in a positive direction.


J-mizzle said...

Well put, my dear.

Jessica said...

YAY! A new post! And I'm totally with you. Lots of prayer needed for this country!