Thursday, April 30, 2009

thankful thursday

Today I am thankful for laughter...There is truly nothing like a good, long belly laugh. The kind where you simply cannot contain yourself. When I belly laugh, I turn red, I make all kinds of different noises including snorts, and my laugh changes pitch every few seconds. My eyes well up with tears of joy, and my belly begins to hurt from convulsing violently during my bout of laughter :) The best part is, I always feel completely refreshed after laughing like that.

There are also plenty of health benefits to laughter, and it has been known to improve marriages and lengthen the lifespan of people who laugh often! You produce endorphins along with many other good hormones when you laugh, and this helps to reduce stress and give you a more positive outlook on your situation or your life.

I feel like people let their guard down a bit when they find something genuinely hilarious. I know I look, sound, and act like a fool when I am having a laugh attack, but the amazing thing is, I never care! I'm having too much fun to care! And laughter is contagious, so once the first person starts, no one can resist the urge to join in!

There are a lot of things in this world to be negative about, but there are also plenty of things to smile and laugh about! I make an effort to look for the positive, and find joy in the small things. I have so much to be thankful for, and laughter helps me to keep life in perspective. So to anyone reading this, if you haven't laughed today, make sure you find something to tickle your funny bone...It will improve your day, I promise!


J-mizzle said...

Good post, buddy. I saw you laugh like that on Wednesday after the movie we saw. But I'm not saying why.

Noni said... will be our little secret! Thanks for the laugh babe!